Exercise 1st

A while back, I was feeling really achy. I even went to the doctor to find out if I had arthritis because it runs in my family. I was extremely fatigued, low energy all day, and was going to bed with a heating pad on my back every night. As it turns out-no arthritis! Good news. So why was I feeling so awful? Was it just part of getting older? Is it because I had a really big surgery, and my body wasn't quite recovered? Maybe I would never feel better...

I'm happy to report, that has all changed. I hadn't been working out regularly for some time, and knew that even though I had a busy schedule, that needed to change. I started to go for walks everyday at lunch. Just 15 minutes, but the change was impressive. After the 2-3 week mark, I began to feel drastically better. 2-3 weeks! That's all it took. I no longer have as many aches, my house is always a lot cleaner (because I have more energy at the end of the day), my mood is better. There's a reason all of the self-help gurus tell you that if you aren't exercising, you aren't living life to it's full potential. How can you live an awesome life if you don't have the energy or the health to lead it? By exercising first, you will miraculously find the time to get more done, have more fun, and live life the way it was meant to be lived. No more excuses, get out there and do it! And have fun while you're doing it. Listen to your favorite podcast, or audiobook. Find a dance class you enjoy, or make it part of your routine to walk on the beach. Exercise is available anytime, anywhere and can be free. If you don't have time in the morning or after work, go for a walk at lunch. There's no reason to go through life feeling less than great.


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