Top 5 Ways to Get Motivated

Here are some of the top 5 ways to get motivated:
  1. Realize that you are worth your goals
Sadly, a lot of people don't get past step 1. What is it that's on your mind? Do you want to lose 20 lbs? Do you want to finally write that book you've been thinking about for the last 10 years? Do you want to find that significant other you've been waiting for your whole life? These goals can be achieved, but you have to believe you are worthy of your goals. If you don't realize you are worth it, you may find yourself achieving some of these goals, but with less than great outcomes. For example, if you don't really think you're worth having a wonderful significant other, but you want so badly to be with someone, you might choose a partner who is on par with how you feel about yourself-bad. It happens all the time. When we think we are not worthy to be treated well, to like ourselves, or to live a life of joy, and happiness, we often don't. I hear time and time again, where the mind goes, the energy flows. The fact that you are reading this article right now, means that you believe in getting something better for yourself. Some people get stuck into a-”I'm just going to read it, but not do anything about it.” cycle. Don't let that be you. Take a moment right now, to stop, and think about the good things about yourself. What have you accomplished? What do you like or even love about yourself?
  1. Get a partner, or accountability group
One of the things that has helped me most in my life is having an accountability group. We chat once every 3 weeks. There are 4 of us total. We talk about life goals, challenges, successes. Anything is on the table for discussion. In talking about it, we each have very different, but in some ways similar goals-to get healthy, have a successful business, and good relationships with our loved ones. These are 3 people I trust very highly. In our group, we each have a chance to talk, and then the others in the group give some feedback, insight. Maybe they have gone through exactly the same thing already, or maybe they've just read a book about that exact topic and it was life changing. My group allows me to get more motivated, in part because I see all of the wonderful steps they take towards their own goals.
  1. Write down your action steps
It's hard to know where you're going, if you don't write it down. I've heard quite a few people say something along the lines of, “How can you know where to go, if you don't have a map?” For a long time, I was doing step 3, I did a lot of journaling, but I think I lacked a little bit in step 1, and I didn't take it to step 4 which is:
  1. Take small, doable steps toward your goals
How will you get there? How will you do any and all of it? Well, you won't be able to do anything if you don't take small steps. These small steps not only open up your world, by showing you what's possible, and also showing you the next steps to meet your goal, they also vastly improve your self-confidence. Because if your brain is looking for some proof that you do the things you say you will do, now you have the frame of reference for that! You can look back, and say, I did write that article, I did talk to a potential client, I did make business cards, and set up a website. Your brain looks for proof, and the more and more you can give it, the better. I have seen some people get stuck here, where they say, but I did take small steps, saw what the next would be, took that step, etc. However, it didn't get me where I wanted to go. I didn't get the business I wanted, I didn't get the mate I wanted. I feel badly because I put the time, effort, energy (maybe even money) in, and now I have nothing to show for it. Then I would refer you to step


 It's easy to do a few things, and put a fork in it. Say, “I'm done, and I don't get why I didn't get the results I wanted.” This is wrong thinking. It will not help you stay motivated. Your brain is a very powerful tool. Every time you give it the input, “But I tried so hard, and got nothing.” It's going to produce that outcome, “I tried so hard, and got nothing.” Goals come in many different forms, but I can tell you this, no one ever lost 20 lbs by going on two 15 minute walks, and saying “Okay, where's the 20 lb weight loss?” It also doesn't work to say, “Okay, I've written two articles, now where's my business?” Take the time to celebrate your small victories. Yay! I went on my first walk! Understand that while the goal may not appear magically and immediately, there are so many other ways to get that immediate sense of accomplishment. Share with your accountability group. “I'm now walking daily!” When you start to see yourself having more and more energy, and you see yourself getting a new client, or even having people respond to your ads, get excited! Celebrate those victories! Because they are important, and they are a big deal. Just know that you have to keep going. Don't be discouraged. Find those small things to get excited about, and get excited. Surprisingly, or maybe not so, you will find yourself able to go back to step 1 feeling more like you deserve the life you want. With every small step you take towards your goal, you are getting closer and closer to the life you deserve to live.


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