Am I giving 100% or...

Am I at 100% or...

A question came to mind recently. If I were to give myself a percentage rating, what would I give? In other words, what level am I working at? Am I giving only 20% of myself? Am I giving 50? Or would some days I say I gave a 100% while others I only gave 10? The reason I ask this is because I believe that people operate far below their capability. I see people giving 20% and wondering why life isn't going that well, or think it's boring. Then on the other hand, I see people giving 110% and burning out. It's a balance. It's great to have days to relax, and have down time, but some people are just getting through the day so they can have down time. There's not much to do, or much to look forward to. If you were to rate your life, what percentage would you give yourself overall? Have you checked out in any specific area? Would you say there are some areas you only give 10, but others you give 90? I want you to think about this as you go about your day. Where are you cutting yourself short? Where, possibly, do you need to cut back? Below are a list of areas to consider:

Health and nutrition
Significant other
Career (I call this out separately in case you have a desire for more than your job)
Mental and emotional health


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